hexrd.imageseries.load.hdf5 module

HDF5 adapter class

class hexrd.imageseries.load.hdf5.HDF5ImageSeriesAdapter(fname, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ImageSeriesAdapter

Collection of Images in HDF5 Format


fnamestr or h5py.File object

filename of the HDF5 file, or an open h5py file. Note that this class will close the h5py.File when finished.

pathstr, required

The path to the HDF dataset containing the image data

datanamestr, optional

The name of the HDF dataset containing the 2-d or 3d image data. The default values is ‘images’.

property dtype
format = 'hdf5'
property metadata

(read-only) Image sequence metadata

note: metadata loaded on open and allowed to be modified

property shape