hexrd.wppf.LeBailCalibration module

class hexrd.wppf.LeBailCalibration.LeBailCalibrator(instrument, img_dict, extent=(0.0, 90.0, 0.0, 360.0), pixel_size=(0.1, 1.0), params=None, phases=None, azimuthal_step=5.0, bkgmethod={'chebyshev': 3}, peakshape='pvtch', intensity_init=None, apply_solid_angle_correction=False, apply_lp_correction=False, polarization=None)[source]

Bases: object

>> @AUTHOR: Saransh Singh, Lawrence Livermore National Lab,


>> @DATE: 08/24/2021 SS 1.0 original

>> @DETAILS: new lebail class which is specifically designed for instrument calibration using the LeBail method. in this partcular implementation, instead of using the iterative method for computing the peak intensities, we will use them as parameters in the optimization problem. the inputs include the instrument, the imageseries, material, peakshapes etc.

>> @PARAMETERS instrument the instrument class in hexrd

img_dict dictionary of images with same keys as detectors in the instrument class


>> @AUTHOR: Saransh Singh, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, saransh1@llnl.gov >> @DATE: 05/19/2020 SS 1.0 original >> @DETAILS: this routine performs the least squares refinement for all variables

which are allowed to be varied.

property azimuthal_chunks
property azimuthal_step
property bkgdegree

this is one of the main functions which differs fundamentally to the regular Lebail class. this function computes the residual as a colletion of residuals at different eta, omega values. for the most traditional HED case, we will have only a single value of omega. However, there will be support for the more complicated HEDM case in the future.

computespectrum(instr_updated, lp_updated)[source]

this function calls the computespectrum function in the lebaillight class for all the azimuthal positions and accumulates the error vector from each of those lineouts. this is more or less a book keeping function rather

property extent
property img_dict
property init_time

@DATE 01/22/2021 SS modified the function so Icalc can be initialized with a dictionary of structure factors

property instrument
property lpcorrection
property params
property peakshape
property phases
property pixel_size
property polarization
property refine_background
property refine_instrument
property refine_tilt
property refine_translation
property sacorrection
property shkl
property tth_list
property tth_max
property tth_min

@date 03/12/2021 SS 1.0 original take values in parameters and set the corresponding class values with the same name


if certain shkls are refined, then update them using the params arg. else use values from the parameter class

property wavelength
class hexrd.wppf.LeBailCalibration.LeBaillight(name, lineout, Icalc, tth, hkls, dsp, shkl, lebail_param_list, params, peakshape, bkgmethod)[source]

Bases: object

just a lightweight LeBail class which does only the simple computation of diffraction spectrum given the parameters and intensity values


>> @AUTHOR: Saransh Singh, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, saransh1@llnl.gov >> @DATE: 06/08/2020 SS 1.0 original >> @DETAILS: this is one of the main functions to partition the expt intensities

to overlapping peaks in the calculated pattern

property Icalc
property background
property bkgdegree
property calc_Iobs_fcn
property computespectrum_fcn
property dsp
property hkls
property lineout
property mask
property params
property spectrum_expt
property spectrum_sim
property tth
property tth_list
property tth_step
property weights