Module: pfigutil

6 Functions


convert from chi/eta spherical coordinates to normal vectors; can use with coords from femODF.FemHemisphere

hexrd.pfigutil.n2eap(nVectors, flip=True)[source]

unit vectors to equal-area projection

hexrd.pfigutil.renderEAProj(nVecs, vals, n, patch=False, sum=False, nzByContrib=True, northernOnly=False)[source]

render an equal-area projects of general pole values, on an n-by-n grid; if sum=True, then sum contributions, otherwise average them; returns a masked array

hexrd.pfigutil.fromSouthern(nVecs, invert)[source]
hexrd.pfigutil.drawLines(pw, pointLists=, []netStyle=None, netNDiv=12, netAlpha=0.5, rMat=None, southern=False, invertFromSouthern=True, origin=(0.0, 0.0), r=1.0)[source]